In an effort to care for the needs of our veterans, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs provides each one with a DVA Health card. With this card, a veteran is able to seek quality medical and dental care.
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Quality Dental Care For ModeRn-Day Heroes With DVA

The DVA Health Card allows veterans to seek exceptional dental care from the provider of their choice. Veterans with the Veteran White Card receive coverage for procedures required to treat service-related conditions. Veteran Gold Cardholders are able to receive coverage on all dental services that are deemed medically necessary.
You can expect full coverage for DVA-approved dental treatments. There will be a need to provide proof of medical necessity through a certificate provided by a physician.

Dental Treatments

Dental Treatments Covered By DVA



In an effort to improve the oral health of our veterans, the DVA offers coverage of dental treatments aimed at keeping their teeth and mouth healthy. Standard dental services covered by the DVA are regular check-ups and cleanings, dentures, and treatments for cavities.



For patients suffering from missing teeth, a common tooth replacement option is a set of dentures. You are entitled to having your dentures re-lined every two years. DVA will cover denture replacement every 6 years, unless your dentures have been re-lined in the past year or if a replacement is recommended sooner.



DVA Cardholders are eligible to receive different dental implants depending on their needs. With teeth lost within the past three years, you can receive two single tooth implants every two years. You also have the option to get dental implants for the upper or lower jaw for partial upper jaw dentures or a full lower jaw denture.



Although bruxism is classified as a mental health condition by the DVA, it has significant dental ramifications. Consequences of bruxism can include cracked, broken or worn teeth due to long-term grinding of the teeth. Some restrictions can apply to the coverage of bruxism dental treatments depending on the type of Veteran Healthcard presented.


Call Us Today To Make Your Appointment

To enjoy DVA Health Card coverage, you must first contact your dental provider to determine if they will be accepting your Veteran Gold Card or Veteran White Card. We recommend that you have a regular check-up once every six months to maintain your oral health. However, if you require more frequent check-ups, your dentist may request approval from DVA.
The DVA Health Card gives you free or low-cost dental care, as well as the option to choose your own dentist. However, you may need to make a co-payment if your high-cost items exceed the AML of $2,643.25 per calendar year.
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